Literacy & Numeracy

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Literacy programmes

Our school implements several English Literacy Programmes to help improve our pupils’ Literacy Levels through the new Primary Language Curriculum (PLC). It helps to encourage and develop a love of reading, writing and speaking of English.
We are fortunate in our school to have a creative and diligent teaching staff to implement, promote and encourage a love of reading, writing and speaking of English.

These programmes include:

The First Steps Programme – Reading, Writing, Speaking & Listening
School Based Oral Language Programme
Literacy Lift-Off for Infants to First Class

Reading is taught using the following resources:

PM Books
PM+ Books
Collins Big Cat Series
Wide Variety of Class Novels
Reading for Fun
Drop Everything and Read (DEAR)
Library Visits
Authors Visits
Big Book Activities with Teachers and Parents

Support is offered to the pupils as follows:

The Forward Together Programme
Peer Tutoring
Shared Reading
Reading Recovery
In-Class Support Teaching
Classroom Withdrawal
Use of Interactive Whiteboards
Typing Skills
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Numeracy programmes

We implement a variety of Maths Programmes to help improve our pupils’ Numeracy Skills and also to help encourage and develop a love of Maths in our environment and all things mathematical.

Several of these programmes are implemented through ‘Team-Teaching.’ This involves children being tested initially and then a maths programme of work is designed to cater for the children’s needs.

At Mercy Primary we are committed to raising the standards of numeracy among our pupils to ensure that our children are given every opportunity to master these crucial skills to the best of his or her ability.

Yearly, all of our school participates in Maths Week and we really enjoy our maths trails and visits to and from local mathematicians.
We are committed to a continual and consistent standard improvement approach of improving the levels of numeracy in our school. Over the past two years our pupil’s levels of numeracy have seen a steep increase as a result of our dedicated strategy and the allocation of extra available resources.
Here at Mercy Primary we make learning fun and enjoyable for all. We believe by providing the very highest levels of education and care to our pupils that we are greatly assisting them in achieving their full potential and setting them up for a bright and successful future.
The National Strategy to improve Literacy and Numeracy among Children and Young People 2011- 2020 states that “Literacy includes the capacity to read, understand and critically appreciate various forms of communication including spoken language, printed text, broadcast media, and digital media.”
It states that “Numeracy is not limited to the ability to use numbers, to add, subtract, multiply and divide. Numeracy encompasses the ability to use mathematical understanding and skills to solve problems and meet the demands of day-to-day living in complex social settings.”